For each search, we use different methods, techniques, tools and screening. The goal is to detect the profile and competencies of the applicants according to the demands of our clients.
OUR SEARCH AND SELECTION SERVICES INCLUDE: Executive Search. Mass search and selection. Person to person and call conference interviews.
SEARCH AND SELECTION OF ASSISTANTS: Not only do we analyze our clients´ culture and organizational strategy but also the companies of the target market.
Identification of the working environment where the candidate will perform according to the Organizational Culture.
Definition, analysis and evaluation of the professional profile of the applicant by the person in charge of the human resources department.
Recruiting through updated database, specialized web sites, and publications in local and national newspapers; respecting the client´s confidentiality during the whole process.
Pre-selection process through interviews which allows us to rate only those candidates that best fit the search profile. Personal data verification which includes: completed studies, foreign language skills, professional career, and specific experience.
Psychological tests and technical interviews to the selected personnel conforming to the specific requirements of the job.
Research of work references: stable jobs of the last two years will be taken as parameters. If the applicants are active workers at the moment of applying, work references will be asked only with their own consent.
Presentation of a short list of three candidates to the company. We provide advice in the matching of the profiles with our clients’ objectives and possibilities, and we draw realistic conclusions to suggest possible corrections about what is required and what is offered.
Follow up of the incorporated personnel and feedback with the client about the selection.